Ostrava cultural heritage database
Welcome to the introduction to the database of immovable cultural sights and buildings of architectural value in the territory of the city of Ostrava - www.ostravskepamatky.cz. The database aims to present an overview of the monument fund, and architecture and building culture related to the development of the city since medieval times, represented with St. Wenceslas Church, to the present. Including both cultural heritage sites and contemporary buildings, the database provides valuable evidence of period architectural styles and style varieties of the past and the present. It informs about a range of buildings – churches, town halls, culture centres, institutional palaces, schools, museums, hotels, residential houses, department stores, and urbanistic compositions such as workers’ neighbourhoods and colonies, housing estates, or industrial sites. The list of entries offers facts concerning the buildings, compositions and sites registered as well as photographs documenting their present condition. The project has also given rise to a map with a selection of 111 objects and sites for walking tours around the city. The map is available in Fiducia Antiquarian Bookshop and Club and at Ostrava Information Service points.